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Summerville Catholic School has met the criteria for educational quality established by the Cognia Global Commission. Summerville Catholic School holds accreditation from the North Central Association Commission of Accreditation and School Improvement, the Northwest Accreditation Commission, and the Southern Association of Colleges and School Council of Accreditation and School Improvement.  All classes are taught by certified teachers, many of whom also have higher educational degrees. Our curriculum is based upon the current program guidelines established by the Diocese of Charleston and meets or exceeds the South Carolina Department of Education Standards.





Curriculum for Diocese of Charleston



We provide students with a program that includes all aspects of learning: science and math, language and arts, social studies, technology, sports and music, and of course spiritual development. Summerville Catholic School employs numerous methods to ensure that your child's spiritual and educational needs are met, including advanced technology, class size, and differentiated learning plans. We also offer Honors English, Math, and Spanish where middle school students can earn high school credit. We strive to meet your child's specific needs and develop a learning plan that will ensure your child is encouraged and challenged to excel and succeed.