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Inclusive Education

At Summerville Catholic School, we follow the example of Christ and want to offer all children the opportunity to achieve their full potential. To that end, we have established an Inclusive Education Program (IEP) to assist students with their academic, spiritual and social development. Our goal is to provide ALL students with an individualized learning plan that meets their specific needs, while remaining with their peers in their regular classroom as much as possible.

Minimum standards for consideration to be part of our Summerville Catholic family:

  • Able to use bathroom independently 
  • Able to feed oneself
  • Able to communicate with simple verbal expression


If your child meets the above consideration standards, the requirements for possible enrollment are as follows:

  • Call the school at 843-873-9310
  • Meet with the inclusive education team and principal to ensure we can meet your child's spiritual and educational needs.
  • A copy of the child's current Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if available.
  • Documentation identifying your child's needs, including professional diagnosis if needed.
  • Classroom observation if needed.
  • An annual agreement between the child's family and the school, setting forth specific goals, needs and expectations for the academic year.